Are Your LED Downlights Dimmable?
Views: 1690 March 09 , 2021LED downlights are widely used for both residential and commercial applications. Not only for new projects and decorations but LED downlights can also be used to replace the traditional types of lighting fixtures that are existing, such as halogen, fluorescent...
What Is High Voltage Power Magnetic Track Lighting System?
Views: 9885 March 06 , 2021What Is Magnetic Track Lighting System? In these years, magnetic track lighting has been becoming increasingly a new trend for commercial and residential space, it’s a new type of LED lighting system that comes with a smart control system to bring...
The Difference Between Commercial Track Lighting And Museum Track Lighting
Views: 1695 November 02 , 2020To use a quote by Warren Buffett: Only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked. For LED track lighting, when it is used in the museum do you find out its good quality or bad, and it’s the popular lighting fixtures for...
Evaluating The Lifespan of LED Light Fixtures
Views: 1088 October 30 , 2020For LED lighting fixtures, longevity is one of the most important issues to be concerned. In the early, LED technology was applied to flashlights and table lamps, the previous spanlife is not long. Nowadays, LED has been widely used in ourdoor and indoor LED...
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